Make Sure the Houses are Properly Supported Through Inspection

underfloor inspection in Christchurch

There must never be a compromise with the safety of your family. When you buy or build a new house for the family, make sure to perform an underfloor inspection in Christchurch. The government provides guidelines to keep the city’s residents safe from any kind of harm and damage.

Expert Advice

Ask for experts to properly inspect the underfloor of your house. Minow visual inspection will not be of any assistance in identifying critical problems in the structure of the houses. Before buying a house, hire experts to inspect the underfloor of the house properly because later, the cost of repairs can be extremely expensive for you.

Regular inspection can prevent damage to the integrity of the house. When ignored, problems like termites, dampness, and decay can accumulate, which will be difficult and expensive to repair after a specific time limit. The inspection should cover all important parts of the underfloor to understand the necessary steps for repairing the problems.

A detailed report of building inspection in Christchurch should cover areas like the support of the house, tie-down for houses, foundation walls, bearer, joints, concrete slabs, and many more. This is to ensure there is no part left that will harm your house.

underfloor inspection in Christchurch

Reason for Inspection

Houses that are built for some time should be regularly inspected after some time. The foundation of any house is necessary to keep the house standing. Without strong foundations, a building will crumble easily. Leave the house inspection work to experts who know what and where to look for any problem that can occur in the house.

The area’s government provides informative guides that should be followed when building new houses. These guides are created after an extensive study of the area and the environment to prevent any disaster that may occur after the house has been built.

Guidelines like gaps should exist between the house floor and the land. The gaps can be several inches and are later accessible for people to do maintenance of the foundation in case of any trouble.


The report of the underfloor inspection in Christchurch will be as good as the person hired for inspection. The safety of the family is paramount and should never be compromised. Hire experts before buying a house to give a detailed foundation report. This way, you can determine whether the house is worth the money.

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